Like episode 2 of the Empowering Perfumes series, this episode will have two topics. I’m starting with the association of women’s perfume with seduction. Later, I’ll answer a question often asked by newcomers to higher-end fragrance. But for now, let’s start with the seduction.

Photos at top and within the article are from pixabay.
The classical piano clips used in the intro and outro of the above audio file are from taken from Chopin’s Nocturne in E flat major, Opus 9, Number 2, perfurmed by Aya Higuchi. The piano clip used in the interlude is taken from Chopin’s Waltz in A Minor, B. 150, also performed by Aya Higuchi. Both pieces are public domain and are from 501(c)(3) nonprofit Musopen. The sound of ocean waves hitting a beach is from a recording by Joseph Sardin and is also public domain.